Source code for alhambra.tilesets

from __future__ import annotations
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

import copy
from io import TextIOWrapper
import logging
from os import PathLike
from pathlib import Path
import warnings
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import (
from typing_extensions import Self, TypeAlias

import numpy as np

from alhambra.seq import MergeConflictError

from . import drawing

from numpy import isin

from alhambra.classes import Serializable
from alhambra.grid import (

# from . import fastreduceD as fastreduce
from .glues import Glue, GlueList, SSGlue
from .seeds import Seed, seed_factory
from .tiles import (

import logging

[docs]log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
if TYPE_CHECKING: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import scadnano import xgrow.parseoutput import xgrow.tileset as xgt import stickydesign as sd
[docs]_gl = { EdgeLoc(D.N, (0, 0)): (0, 0, 10, 0), EdgeLoc(D.E, (0, 0)): (10, 0, 10, 10), EdgeLoc(D.S, (0, 0)): (0, 10, 10, 10), EdgeLoc(D.W, (0, 0)): (0, 0, 0, 10), EdgeLoc(D.N, (0, 1)): (10, 0, 20, 0), EdgeLoc(D.E, (1, 0)): (10, 10, 10, 20), EdgeLoc(D.E, (0, 1)): (20, 0, 20, 10), EdgeLoc(D.S, (1, 0)): (0, 20, 10, 20), EdgeLoc(D.S, (0, 1)): (10, 10, 20, 10), EdgeLoc(D.W, (1, 0)): (0, 10, 0, 20), }
[docs]T = TypeVar("T")
[docs]class XgrowGlueOpts(ABC):
[docs] def get_xgrow_gse(self, tileset: "TileSet") -> float | None: return None
[docs] def calculate_gses( self, tileset: "TileSet" ) -> tuple[list[xgt.Bond], list[xgt.Glue]]: ...
[docs] def glue_name_map(self, tileset: "TileSet") -> Callable[[str], str]: return lambda x: x
[docs] def from_str(cls, glueopts: str) -> XgrowGlueOpts: if glueopts == "self-complementary": return GrowSelfComplementaryGlues() elif glueopts == "perfect": return GrowPerfectGlues() elif glueopts == "orthogonal": return GrowOrthogonalGlues() elif glueopts == "full": return GrowFullGlues() else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown glueopts: {glueopts}")
[docs]class GrowSelfComplementaryGlues(XgrowGlueOpts):
[docs] def get_xgrow_gse(self, tileset: "TileSet") -> float | None: return None
[docs] def glue_name_map(self, tileset: "TileSet") -> Callable[[str], str]: return lambda x: x[:-1] if x.endswith("*") else x
[docs] def calculate_gses( self, tileset: "TileSet" ) -> tuple[list[xgt.Bond], list[xgt.Glue]]: allglues = tileset.allglues bonds = [ xgt.Bond(, 0) for g in allglues if and ("null" in or "inert" in or "hairpin" in ] return bonds, []
[docs]SD_ENERGETICS_CLASSES: dict[str, "sd.EnergeticsBasic"] = {}
[docs]HAS_SD_ACCEL: bool = False
[docs]def _generate_stickydesign_energetic_classes() -> None: global SD_ENERGETICS_CLASSES global HAS_SD_ACCEL if SD_ENERGETICS_CLASSES: return import stickydesign as sd SD_ENERGETICS_CLASSES = {"SSGlue": sd.EnergeticsBasic, "DXGlue": sd.EnergeticsDAOE} HAS_SD_ACCEL = sd.energetics_basic.ACCEL
[docs]class GrowPerfectGlues(XgrowGlueOpts):
[docs] def get_xgrow_gse(self, tileset: "TileSet") -> float | None: return None
[docs] def calculate_gses( self, tileset: "TileSet" ) -> tuple[list[xgt.Bond], list[xgt.Glue]]: import xgrow.tileset as xgt allglues = tileset.allglues bonds = [xgt.Bond(, 0) for g in allglues] bonds.extend( xgt.Bond(, 0) for g in allglues if not in allglues ) xg_glues = [ xgt.Glue(,, g.abstractstrength if g.abstractstrength is not None else 1, ) for g in allglues ] return bonds, xg_glues
[docs]class GrowOrthogonalGlues(XgrowGlueOpts):
[docs] temperature: float | None = None
[docs] alpha: float | None = None
[docs] def get_xgrow_gse(self, tileset: "TileSet") -> float | None: return 1.0
[docs] def calculate_gses( self, tileset: "TileSet" ) -> tuple[list[xgt.Bond], list[xgt.Glue]]: import xgrow.tileset as xgt import stickydesign as sd alpha = tileset.params["alpha"] if self.alpha is None else self.alpha temperature = ( tileset.params["temperature"] if self.temperature is None else self.temperature ) allglues = tileset.allglues _generate_stickydesign_energetic_classes() R = 1.9872041e-3 # kcal/mol/K T_in_K = temperature + 273.15 RT = R * T_in_K xgbonds = [xgt.Bond(, 0) for g in allglues] xgbonds.extend( xgt.Bond(, 0) for g in allglues if not in allglues ) sd_energetics = { k: v(temperature=temperature) for k, v in SD_ENERGETICS_CLASSES.items() } sg: dict[ tuple[str, str, int], list[SSGlue] ] = {} # FIXME: should support DXGlue for g in allglues: k = (g.__class__.__name__, g.etype, g.dna_length) sg[k] = sg.get(k, []) sg[k].append(g) sge = { k: ( [x.ident() for x in v], sd.endarray([x.sequence.base_str.lower() for x in v], k[1]), ) for k, v in sg.items() } bonds: dict[str, float] = {} for k, v in sge.items(): m = sd_energetics[k[0]].matching_uniform(v[1]) / RT + alpha bonds |= {n: x for n, x in zip(v[0], m) if not n.endswith("*")} return xgbonds, [xgt.Glue(n, n + "*", v) for n, v in bonds.items()]
[docs]class GrowFullGlues(XgrowGlueOpts):
[docs] temperature: float | None = None
[docs] threshold: float = 0.0
[docs] alpha: float | None = None
[docs] def get_xgrow_gse(self, tileset: "TileSet") -> float | None: return 1.0
[docs] def calculate_gses( self, tileset: "TileSet" ) -> tuple[list[xgt.Bond], list[xgt.Glue]]: import xgrow.tileset as xgt import stickydesign as sd alpha = tileset.params["alpha"] if self.alpha is None else self.alpha temperature = ( tileset.params["temperature"] if self.temperature is None else self.temperature ) allglues = tileset.allglues _generate_stickydesign_energetic_classes() if not HAS_SD_ACCEL: warnings.warn( "StickyDesign acceleration not available: full glue calculations may be very slow." ) R = 1.9872041e-3 # kcal/mol/K T_in_K = temperature + 273.15 RT = R * T_in_K bonds = [xgt.Bond(, 0) for g in allglues] bonds.extend( xgt.Bond(, 0) for g in allglues if not in allglues ) sd_energetics = { k: v(temperature=temperature) for k, v in SD_ENERGETICS_CLASSES.items() } sg: dict[tuple[str, str, int], list[SSGlue]] = {} for g in allglues: k = (g.__class__.__name__, g.etype, g.dna_length) sg[k] = sg.get(k, []) sg[k].append(g) sge = { k: ( [x.ident() for x in v], sd.endarray([x.sequence.base_str.lower() for x in v], k[1]), ) for k, v in sg.items() } gluelinks: dict[tuple[str, str], float] = {} for k, v in sge.items(): glm = ( sd_energetics[k[0]] .uniform( np.repeat(v[1], v[1].shape[0], 0), np.tile(v[1], (v[1].shape[0], 1)) ) .reshape((v[1].shape[0], v[1].shape[0])) / RT + alpha ) for i in range(0, len(v[0])): for j in range(0, len(v[0])): gluelinks[(v[0][i], v[0][j])] = glm[i, j] return bonds, [ xgt.Glue(n[0], n[1], v) for n, v in gluelinks.items() if v > self.threshold ]
from alhambra_mixes import Mix, Q_, nM, ureg from alhambra_mixes.units import _parse_conc_required, _ratio from alhambra_mixes.logging import log as log_mix @dataclass(init=False)
[docs]class TileSet(Serializable): "Class representing a tileset, whether abstract or sequence-level."
[docs] tiles: TileList[Tile]
[docs] glues: GlueList[Glue]
[docs] seeds: dict[str | int, Seed]
[docs] lattices: dict[str | int, Lattice]
[docs] guards: dict[str | int, list[str]]
[docs] params: dict
def __init__( self, tiles: Iterable[Tile] = tuple(), glues: Iterable[Glue] = tuple(), seeds: Mapping[str | int, Seed] | None = None, *, seed: Seed | None = None, lattices: Mapping[str | int, Lattice] | None = None, guards: Mapping[str | int, list[str]] = dict(), params: dict | None = None, ) -> None: if seed is not None: if seeds is not None: raise ValueError("Cannot specify both seed and seeds") seeds = {'default': seed} self.tiles = TileList(tiles) self.glues = GlueList(glues) self.seeds = dict(seeds) if seeds else dict() self.lattices = dict(lattices) if lattices else dict() self.guards = dict(guards) if params is not None: self.params = params else: self.params = dict() @classmethod
[docs] def from_mix( cls: Type[TileSet], mix: Mix, tilesets_or_lists: TileSet | TileList | Iterable[TileSet | TileList], *, seed: bool | Seed = False, base_conc: ureg.Quantity | str = Q_(100.0, nM), ) -> TileSet: """ Given some :any:`TileSet`\ s, or lists of :any:`Tile`\ s from which to take tiles, generate an TileSet from the mix. """ from .tiles import BaseSSTile base_conc = _parse_conc_required(base_conc) newts = cls() if isinstance(tilesets_or_lists, (TileList, TileSet)): tilesets_or_lists = [tilesets_or_lists] for name, row in mix.all_components().iterrows(): new_tile = None for tl_or_ts in tilesets_or_lists: try: if isinstance(tl_or_ts, TileSet): tile = tl_or_ts.tiles[name] else: tile = tl_or_ts[name] new_tile = tile.copy() if isinstance(new_tile, BaseSSTile) and ( (seq := getattr(row["component"], "sequence", None)) is not None ): try: new_tile.sequence |= seq except MergeConflictError as e: # FIXME: we should keep track of all of these and have # an error at the end. raise ValueError( f"Component {name} has sequence that does not match " f"tileset tile {}. First has {seq}, second has {tile.sequence}." ) from None new_tile.stoic = float( _ratio(Q_(row["concentration_nM"], nM), base_conc) ) newts.tiles.add(new_tile) break except KeyError: pass if new_tile is None: log_mix.warn(f"Component {name} not found in tile lists.") firstts = next(iter(tilesets_or_lists)) assert isinstance(firstts, TileSet) if seed is True: newts.seeds["default"] = firstts.seeds["default"] elif seed is False: pass elif isinstance(seed, Seed): newts.seeds["default"] = seed elif isinstance(seed, str): newts.seeds["default"] = firstts.seeds[seed] if len(newts.tiles) == 0: raise ValueError("No mix components match tiles.") return newts
[docs] def run_xgrow( self: TileSet, to_lattice: bool = True, _include_out: bool = False, glues: XgrowGlueOpts | str | None = None, seed: str | int | Seed | None | Literal[False] = None, seed_offset: tuple[int, int] | None = None, xgrow_seed: tuple[int, int, int | str] | None = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> Any: # FIXME """Run the tilesystem in Xgrow.""" import xgrow import xgrow.parseoutput from xgrow.parseoutput import XgrowOutput xgrow_tileset = self.to_xgrow( seed=seed, seed_offset=seed_offset, glue_handling=glues ) if xgrow_seed is not None: kwargs["seed"] = xgrow_seed if not to_lattice: return (, **kwargs),) out = cast( XgrowOutput, xgrow_tileset, outputopts="array", **kwargs, ), ) assert out.tiles is not None newarray = np.full_like(out.tiles[1:-1, 1:-1], "", dtype=object) for ix, xti in np.ndenumerate(out.tiles[1:-1, 1:-1]): if xti == 0: continue if xti > len(xgrow_tileset.tiles): continue tile_name = xgrow_tileset.tiles[int(xti) - 1].name if tile_name in newarray[ix] = tile_name if seed is None: if len(self.seeds) > 0: seed = next(iter(self.seeds.values())) elif seed is False: seed = None elif isinstance(seed, (int, str)): seed = self.seeds[cast(Union[int, str], seed)] if seed is not None and hasattr(seed, "_lattice"): lattice_type: Type[AbstractLattice] = seed._lattice # type: ignore else: lattice_type = AbstractLattice a = lattice_type(newarray, cast(Optional[Seed], seed), seed_offset) if not _include_out: return a else: return a, out
[docs] def to_rgrow( self, glue_handling: XgrowGlueOpts | str | None = None, seed: str | int | Seed | None | Literal[False] = None, seed_offset: tuple[int, int] | None = None, **kwargs, ): import rgrow as rg import xgrow.tileset as xgt d = self.to_rgrow_dict( glue_handling=glue_handling, seed=seed, seed_offset=seed_offset, **kwargs ) return rg.TileSet.from_dict(d) # type: ignore
# (FIXME: rgrow needs a fix here)
[docs] def to_rgrow_dict( self, glue_handling: XgrowGlueOpts | str | None = None, seed: str | int | Seed | None | Literal[False] = None, seed_offset: tuple[int, int] | None = None, **kwargs, ): import rgrow as rg import xgrow.tileset as xgt d = self.to_xgrow( glue_handling=glue_handling, seed=seed, seed_offset=seed_offset ).to_dict() d["options"] = d.pop("xgrowargs") if "initstate" in d: d["options"]["seed"] = d.pop("initstate") if "k" in d["options"]: del d["options"]["k"] # k value for xgrow is modified; FIXME for k in [ #"concentration", "alpha", #"temperature", "model", "chunk_handling", "chunk_size", "canvas-type", "fission", "threshold", "size", ]: if k in self.params: d["options"][k] = self.params[k] for k, v in kwargs.items(): if v is not None: d["options"][k] = v else: d["options"].pop(k, None) return d
# def to_rgrow( # self, # glue_handling: XgrowGlueOpts | str | None = None, # seed: str | int | Seed | None | Literal[False] = None, # seed_offset: tuple[int, int] | None = None, # ) -> xgt.TileSet: # "Convert Alhambra TileSet to an XGrow TileSet" # import rgrow as rg # if glue_handling is None: # glue_handling = self.params.get("glue-handling", "perfect") # glue_handling = ( # XgrowGlueOpts.from_str(glue_handling) # if isinstance(glue_handling, str) # else cast(XgrowGlueOpts, glue_handling) # ) # gluenamemap = glue_handling.glue_name_map(self) # self.tiles.refreshnames() # self.glues.refreshnames() # tiles = [t.to_xgrow(gluenamemap) for t in self.tiles] # bonds, rg_glues = glue_handling.calculate_gses(self) # if seed is None: # if self.seeds: # seed = next(iter(self.seeds.values())) # else: # seed = False # if seed is not False and (isinstance(seed, str) or isinstance(seed, int)): # seed = self.seeds[seed] # if seed is False: # seed_tiles: list[rg.Tile] = [] # seed_bonds: list[rg.Bond] = [] # initstate = None # else: # seed_tiles, seed_bonds, initstate = cast(Seed, seed).to_xgrow( # gluenamemap, offset=seed_offset, xgtiles=tiles # ) # xgrow_tileset = rg.TileSet( # seed_tiles + tiles, seed_bonds + bonds, seed=initstate, glues=rg_glues # ) # ggse = glue_handling.get_xgrow_gse(self) # if ggse is not None: # xgrow_tileset.gse = ggse # gconc = self.params.get("concentration", None) # galpha = self.params.get("alpha", None) # if gconc is not None and galpha is not None: # xgrow_tileset.gmc = galpha - np.log(gconc * 1e-9) # xgrow_tileset.kf = 1e6 * np.exp(galpha) # xgrow_tileset.alpha = galpha # return xgrow_tileset
[docs] def to_xgrow( self, glue_handling: XgrowGlueOpts | str | None = None, seed: str | int | Seed | None | Literal[False] = None, seed_offset: tuple[int, int] | None = None, ) -> xgt.TileSet: "Convert Alhambra TileSet to an XGrow TileSet" import xgrow.tileset as xgt if glue_handling is None: glue_handling = self.params.get("glue-handling", "perfect") glue_handling = ( XgrowGlueOpts.from_str(glue_handling) if isinstance(glue_handling, str) else cast(XgrowGlueOpts, glue_handling) ) gluenamemap = glue_handling.glue_name_map(self) self.tiles.refreshnames() self.glues.refreshnames() tiles = [t.to_xgrow(gluenamemap) for t in self.tiles] bonds, xg_glues = glue_handling.calculate_gses(self) if seed is None: if self.seeds: seed = next(iter(self.seeds.values())) else: seed = False if seed is not False and (isinstance(seed, str) or isinstance(seed, int)): seed = self.seeds[seed] if seed is False: seed_tiles: list[xgt.Tile] = [] seed_bonds: list[xgt.Bond] = [] initstate = None else: seed_tiles, seed_bonds, initstate = cast(Seed, seed).to_xgrow( gluenamemap, offset=seed_offset, xgtiles=tiles ) xgrow_tileset = xgt.TileSet( seed_tiles + tiles, seed_bonds + bonds, initstate=initstate, glues=xg_glues ) ggse = glue_handling.get_xgrow_gse(self) if ggse is not None: xgrow_tileset.xgrowargs.Gse = ggse gconc = self.params.get("concentration", None) galpha = self.params.get("alpha", None) if gconc is not None and galpha is not None: xgrow_tileset.xgrowargs.Gmc = galpha - np.log(gconc * 1e-9) xgrow_tileset.xgrowargs.k = 1e6 * np.exp(galpha) return xgrow_tileset
[docs] def _to_xgrow_dict(self) -> dict: """DEPRECATED: to xgrow dict""" return self.to_xgrow().to_dict()
[docs] def summary(self): """Returns a short summary line about the TileSet""" self.tiles.refreshnames() self.glues.refreshnames() # self.check_consistent() info = { "ntiles": len(self.tiles), "nrt": len([x for x in self.tiles if not x.is_fake]), "nft": len([x for x in self.tiles if x.is_fake]), "nends": len(self.glues), "ntends": len(self.tiles.glues_from_tiles()), "tns": " ".join( for x in self.tiles if, "ens": " ".join( for x in self.glues if # if ("info" in self.keys() and "name" in self["info"].keys()) # else "", } tun = sum(1 for x in self.tiles if is None) if tun > 0: info["tns"] += " ({} unnamed)".format(tun) eun = sum(1 for x in self.glues if is None) if eun > 0: info["ens"] += " ({} unnamed)".format(eun) if info["nft"] > 0: info["nft"] = " (+ {} fake)".format(info["nft"]) else: info["nft"] = "" return "TileSet: {nrt} tiles{nft}, {nends} ends, {ntends} ends in tiles.\nTiles: {tns}\nEnds: {ens}".format( **info )
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: self.tiles.refreshnames() self.glues.refreshnames() return f"TileSet({len(self.tiles)} tiles, {len(self.glues)} glues)"
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: return self.summary()
[docs] def from_scadnano( cls: Type[TileSet], des: scadnano.Design, ret_fails: bool = False ) -> TileSet: """Create TileSet from Scadnano Design.""" import scadnano ts = cls() tiles: TileList[TileSupportingScadnano] = TileList() ts.glues = GlueList() positions: dict[tuple[int, int], str] = {} for strand in des.strands: try: t, o = tile_factory.from_scadnano(strand, return_position=True) except ValueError: warnings.warn(f"Failed to import strand {}.") except NotImplementedError: warnings.warn(f"Failed to import strand {}.") else: positions[o] = t.ident() if in if t != tiles[t.ident()]: warnings.warn(f"Skipping unequal duplicate strand {}.") else: tiles.add(t) ts.tiles = cast(TileList[Tile], tiles) ts.lattices = {0: cast(Lattice, ScadnanoLattice(positions))} return ts
[docs] def to_scadnano( self, lattice: LatticeSupportingScadnano | None = None ) -> scadnano.Design: """Export TileSet (with lattice) as Scadnano Design.""" import scadnano self.tiles.refreshnames() self.glues.refreshnames() if lattice is not None: if hasattr(lattice, "seed") and hasattr(lattice.seed, "update_details"): lattice.seed.update_details(self.allglues, self.tiles) # type: ignore return lattice.to_scadnano(self) for tlattice in self.lattices: if isinstance(tlattice, LatticeSupportingScadnano): return tlattice.to_scadnano(self) raise ValueError
[docs] def to_dict(self) -> dict: d: dict[str, Any] = {} self.tiles.refreshnames() self.glues.refreshnames() allglues = self.glues | self.tiles.glues_from_tiles() refglues = set( # FIXME if self.tiles: d["tiles"] = [t.to_dict(refglues=refglues) for t in self.tiles.aslist()] if allglues: d["glues"] = [g.to_dict() for g in allglues.aslist()] if self.seeds: d["seeds"] = {k: v.to_dict() for k, v in self.seeds.items()} if self.lattices: d["lattices"] = {k: v.asdict() for k, v in self.lattices.items()} if self.guards: d["guards"] = self.guards if self.params: d["params"] = self.params.copy() return d
[docs] def from_dict(cls: Type[TileSet], d: dict) -> TileSet: ts = cls() ts.tiles = TileList(Tile.from_dict(x) for x in d.get("tiles", [])) ts.glues = GlueList(Glue.from_dict(x) for x in d.get("glues", [])) ts.seeds = {k: seed_factory.from_dict(v) for k, v in d.get("seeds", {}).items()} try: ts.guards = {k: v for k, v in d.get("guards", {}).items()} except AttributeError: log.warning("Failed to load guards.") if not ts.seeds and "seed" in d: ts.seeds = {0: seed_factory.from_dict(d["seed"])} ts.lattices = { k: lattice_factory.from_dict(v) for k, v in d.get("lattices", {}).items() } if "params" in d: ts.params = copy.deepcopy(d["params"]) return ts
[docs] def _serialize(self) -> Any: return self.to_dict()
[docs] def _deserialize(cls, input: Any) -> TileSet: return cls.from_dict(input)
[docs] def allglues(self) -> GlueList: return self.tiles.glues_from_tiles() | self.glues
[docs] def alldomains(self) -> GlueList: return self.tiles.domains_from_tiles() | self.glues
[docs] def lattice_tiles( self, lattice: AbstractLattice | int | str | np.ndarray, *, x: int | slice | None = None, y: int | slice | None = None, copy: bool = False, ) -> list[Tile]: """Return a list of (unique) tiles in a lattice, potentially taking a slice of the lattice. Parameters ---------- lattice : AbstractLattice | int | str Lattice or reference to a lattice in the tileset x : int | slice | None, optional index in the lattice, by default None y : int | slice | None, optional index in the lattice, by default None copy : bool, optional return copies if True (useful for creating a new set) or tiles in the set if False (useful for modifying the set), by default False """ if isinstance(lattice, (int, str)): lattice = cast(AbstractLattice, self.lattices[lattice]) elif not isinstance(lattice, AbstractLattice): lattice = AbstractLattice(lattice) tilenames = np.unique(lattice.grid[x, y]) if copy: return [self.tiles[t].copy() for t in tilenames] else: return [self.tiles[t] for t in tilenames]
[docs] def create_guards_square( self, lattice: AbstractLattice, square_size: int, init_x: int = 0, init_y: int = 0, skip: Callable[[Glue], bool] = _skip_polyT_and_inertname, ) -> list[str]: glues: set[str] = set() for xi in range(init_x, lattice.grid.shape[0], square_size): glues.update( g.ident() for tile in lattice.grid[xi, :] if isinstance(self.tiles[tile], SupportsGuards) for g in self.tiles[tile].create_guards("S") if not skip(g) ) for yi in range(init_y, lattice.grid.shape[1], square_size): glues.update( g.ident() for tile in lattice.grid[:, yi] if isinstance(self.tiles[tile], SupportsGuards) for g in self.tiles[tile].create_guards("E") if not skip(g) ) return list(glues)
[docs] def create_abstract_diagram( self, lattice: AbstractLattice | str | int | np.ndarray | None, filename=None, scale=1, guards: Collection[str] | str | int = tuple(), seed: str | bool | Seed = True, seed_offset: tuple[int, int] = (0, 0), **options, ): """Create an SVG layout diagram from a lattice. This currently uses the abstract diagram bases to create the layout diagrams. Parameters ---------- xgrowarray : ndarray or dict Xgrow output. This may be a numpy array of an xgrow state, obtained in some way, or may be the 'array' output of filename : string File name / path of the output file. """ if isinstance(lattice, str) or isinstance(lattice, int): lt = self.lattices[lattice] assert isinstance(lt, AbstractLattice) lattice = lt elif lattice is None: lt = next(iter(self.lattices.values())) assert isinstance(lt, AbstractLattice) lattice = lt elif not isinstance(lattice, AbstractLattice): lattice = AbstractLattice(lattice) if isinstance(guards, str) or isinstance(guards, int): guards = self.guards[guards] d = drawing.Drawing(600, 600) svgtiles = {} for tile in self.tiles: svgtiles[] = tile.abstract_diagram(**options) d.defs.append(svgtiles[]) minxi = 10000 minyi = 10000 maxxi = 0 maxyi = 0 for (yi, xi), tn in np.ndenumerate(lattice.grid): if not tn in svgtiles.keys(): continue minxi = min(minxi, xi) minyi = min(minyi, yi) maxxi = max(maxxi, xi) maxyi = max(maxyi, yi) d.elements.append(drawing.Use(svgtiles[tn], xi * 10, yi * 10)) if seed is True: try: seed = next(iter(self.seeds.values())) except StopIteration: seed = False elif isinstance(seed, str): seed = self.seeds[seed] # if len(guards) > 0: # for (yi, xi), tn in np.ndenumerate(lattice.grid): # if tn == "": # continue # t = self.tiles[tn] # for g, pos in zip(t.edges, t.edge_locations): # FIXME: deal with duples # if g.complement.ident() in guards: # d.elements.append( # drawing.Line( # xi * 10 + _gl[pos][0], # yi * 10 + _gl[pos][1], # xi * 10 + _gl[pos][2], # yi * 10 + _gl[pos][3], # stroke="black", # stroke_width=2.5, # ) # ) # d.elements.append( # drawing.Line( # xi * 10 + _gl[pos][0], # yi * 10 + _gl[pos][1], # xi * 10 + _gl[pos][2], # yi * 10 + _gl[pos][3], # stroke="red", # stroke_width=1.0, # ) # ) d.viewBox = ( minxi * 10, minyi * 10, (2 + maxxi - minxi) * 10, (2 + maxyi - minyi) * 10, ) # d.pixelScale = 3 if filename: d.save_svg(filename) else: return d
[docs] def reduce_tiles( self, preserve=("s22", "ld"), tries=10, threads=1, returntype="equiv", best=1, key=None, initequiv=None, ): """ Apply tile reduction algorithm, preserving some set of properties, and using a multiprocessing pool. Parameters ---------- tileset: TileSet The system to reduce. preserve: a tuple or list of strings, optional The properties to preserve. Currently supported are 's1' for first order sensitivity, 's2' for second order sensitivity, 's22' for two-by-two sensitivity, 'ld' for small lattice defects, and 'gs' for glue sense (to avoid spurious hierarchical attachment). Default is currently ('s22', 'ld'). tries: int, optional The number of times to run the algorithm. threads: int, optional The number of threads to use (using multiprocessing). returntype: 'TileSet' or 'equiv' (default 'equiv') The type of object to return. If 'equiv', returns an array of glue equivalences (or list, if best != 1) that can be applied to the tileset with apply_equiv, or used for further reduction. If 'TileSet', return a TileSet with the equiv already applied (or a list, if best != 1). best: int or None, optional The number of systems to return. If 1, the result will be returned directly; if k > 1, a list will be returned of the best k results (per cmp); if k = None, a list of *all* results will be returned, sorted by cmp. (default 1) key: function (ts, equiv1, equiv2) -> some number/comparable A comparison function for equivs, to sort the results. FIXME: documentation needed. Default (if None) here is to sort by number of glues in the system, regardless of number of tiles. initequiv: equiv If provided, the equivalence array to start from. If None, start from the tileset without any merged glues. Returns ------- reduced: single TileSet or equiv, or list The reduced system/systems """ raise NotImplementedError
# from fastreduceD import fastreduce # return fastreduce.reduce_tiles( # self, preserve, tries, threads, returntype, best, key, initequiv # )
[docs] def reduce_ends( self, preserve=["s22", "ld"], tries=10, threads=1, returntype="equiv", best=1, key=None, initequiv=None, ): """ Apply end reduction algorithm, preserving some set of properties, and using a multiprocessing pool. Parameters ---------- tileset: TileSet The system to reduce. preserve: a tuple or list of strings, optional The properties to preserve. Currently supported are 's1' for first order sensitivity, 's2' for second order sensitivity, 's22' for two-by-two sensitivity, 'ld' for small lattice defects, and 'gs' for glue sense (to avoid spurious hierarchical attachment). Default is currently ('s22', 'ld'). tries: int, optional The number of times to run the algorithm. threads: int, optional The number of threads to use (using multiprocessing). returntype: 'TileSet' or 'equiv' (default 'equiv') The type of object to return. If 'equiv', returns an array of glue equivalences (or list, if best != 1) that can be applied to the tileset with apply_equiv, or used for further reduction. If 'TileSet', return a TileSet with the equiv already applied (or a list, if best != 1). best: int or None, optional The number of systems to return. If 1, the result will be returned directly; if k > 1, a list will be returned of the best k results (per cmp); if k = None, a list of *all* results will be returned, sorted by cmp. (default 1) key: function (ts, equiv1, equiv2) -> some number/comparable A comparison function for equivs, to sort the results. FIXME: documentation needed. Default (if None) here is to sort by number of glues in the system, regardless of number of tiles. initequiv: equiv If provided, the equivalence array to start from. If None, start from the tileset without any merged glues. Returns ------- reduced: single TileSet or equiv, or list The reduced system/systems """ raise NotImplementedError
# from fastreduceD import fastreduce # return fastreduce.reduce_ends( # self, preserve, tries, threads, returntype, best, key, initequiv # )
[docs] def latticedefects(self, direction="e", depth=2, pp=True, rotate=False): """ Calculate and show possible small lattice defect configurations. """ raise NotImplementedError
# from . import latticedefect # return latticedefect.latticedefects( # self, direction=direction, depth=depth, pp=pp, rotate=rotate # ) # FIXME: disabled temporarily for mypy main branch from ._tilesets_dx import ( # type: ignore dx_plot_adjacent_regions, dx_plot_se_hists, dx_plot_se_lv, dx_plot_side_strands, ) # type: ignore from .nuad import tileset_to_nuad_design as to_nuad_design # type: ignore from .nuad import update_nuad_design as update_nuad_design # type: ignore from .nuad import load_nuad_design as load_nuad_design # type: ignore
[docs] def apply_equiv(self, equiv): """ Apply an equivalence array (from, eg, `TileSet.reduce_ends` or `TileSet.reduce_tiles`). Parameters ---------- equiv : ndarray An equivalence array, *for this tileset*, generated by reduction functions. Returns ------- TileSet A tileset with the equivalence array, and thus the reduction, applied. """ raise NotImplementedError
# return fastreduce._FastTileSet(self).applyequiv(self, equiv)
[docs] def check_consistent(self): """Check the TileSet consistency. Check a number of properties of the TileSet for consistency. In particular: * Each tile must pass Tile.check_consistent() * TileSet.ends and TileSet.tiles.endlist() must not contain conflicting ends or end sequences. * If there is a seed: * It must be of an understood type (it must be in seeds.seedtypes) * All adapter locations must be valid. * The seed must pass its check_consistent and check_sequence. """ # * END LIST The end list itself must be consistent. # ** Each end must be of understood type # ** Each end must have a valid sequence or no sequence # ** There must be no more than one instance of each name # ** WARN if there are ends with no namecounts # * TILE LIST # ** each tile must be of understood type (must parse) # ** ends in the tile list must be consistent (must merge) # ** there must be no more than one tile with each name # self.tiles.check_consistent() endsfromtiles = self.tiles.glues_from_tiles() # ** WARN if any end that appears does not have a complement used or vice versa # ** WARN if there are tiles with no name # * TILE + END # ** The tile and end lists must merge validly # (checks sequences, adjacents, types, complements) self.glues | endsfromtiles
# ** WARN if tilelist has end references not in ends # ** WARN if merge is not equal to the endlist # ** WARN if endlist has ends not used in tilelist # * ADAPTERS / SEEDS # SEED stuff was here
[docs] def copy(self): """Return a full (deep) copy of the TileSet""" return copy.deepcopy(self)
[docs] def from_file( cls, path_or_stream: TextIOWrapper | str | PathLike[str], format: Literal["json", "yaml", None] = None, ) -> "TileSet": if isinstance(path_or_stream, str) or isinstance(path_or_stream, PathLike): p = Path(path_or_stream) if format is None: if p.suffix == ".json": format = "json" elif p.suffix in [".yaml", ".yml"]: format = "yaml" stream ="r") if format is None: log.warning("No format specified, trying json, then yaml.") try: return cls.from_json(stream) except: return cls.from_yaml(stream) if format == "json": return cls.from_json(stream) elif format == "yaml": return cls.from_yaml(stream) else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown format {format}")
[docs] def to_file(self, path_or_stream: str | PathLike[str] | TextIOWrapper): if isinstance(path_or_stream, (str, PathLike)): stream = open(path_or_stream, "w") else: stream = path_or_stream return self.to_json(stream)