Source code for alhambra.grid

from __future__ import annotations

import dataclasses
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import (

import numpy as np
import scadnano

from alhambra.glues import Glue, SSGlue
from alhambra.seeds import Seed, SeedSupportingScadnano
from alhambra.seq import Seq
from alhambra.tiles import D, SupportsGuards, Tile, TileSupportingScadnano

    from alhambra.tilesets import TileSet

[docs]class Lattice(ABC): @abstractmethod
[docs] def __getitem__(self, index) -> str | Any: ...
[docs] def __setitem__(self, index, v): ...
@property @abstractmethod
[docs] def seed(self) -> Seed | None: ...
[docs] def asdict(self) -> dict[str, Any]: raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def fromdict(cls, d: dict[str, Any]) -> Lattice: raise NotADirectoryError
[docs]class AbstractLattice(Lattice):
[docs] grid: np.ndarray
[docs] seed: Seed | None = None
[docs] seed_offset: tuple[int, int] = (0, 0)
[docs] def __getitem__(self, index) -> str | Any: return AbstractLattice(self.grid[index])
[docs] def __setitem__(self, index, v): self.grid[index] = v
def __init__( self, v: AbstractLattice | np.ndarray, seed: Seed | None = None, seed_offset: tuple[int, int] | None = None, ) -> None: if isinstance(v, AbstractLattice): self.grid = v.grid self.seed = v.seed self.seed_offset = v.seed_offset else: self.grid = np.array(v) if seed is not None: self.seed = seed if seed_offset is not None: self.seed_offset = seed_offset
[docs] def asdict(self) -> dict[str, Any]: d: dict[str, Any] = {} d["type"] = self.__class__.__name__ d["grid"] = self.grid.tolist() return d
[docs] def tilenames(self) -> list[str]: return list(np.unique(self.grid))
[docs] def fromdict(cls: Type[AL], d: dict[str, Any]) -> AL: return cls(np.array(d["grid"]))
[docs] def empty(cls, shape): return cls(np.full(shape, "", dtype=object))
[docs]class LatticeSupportingScadnano(Lattice): @abstractmethod
[docs] def to_scadnano_lattice(self) -> ScadnanoLattice: ...
[docs] seed: SeedSupportingScadnano | None = None
[docs] def to_scadnano(self, tileset: "TileSet") -> "scadnano.Design": tileset.tiles.refreshnames() tileset.glues.refreshnames() scl = self.to_scadnano_lattice() max_helix = max(helix for helix, offset in scl.positions) + 4 des = scadnano.Design(helices=[scadnano.Helix() for _ in range(0, max_helix)]) for (helix, offset), tilename in scl.positions.items(): cast(TileSupportingScadnano, tileset.tiles[tilename]).to_scadnano( des, helix, offset ) if scl.seed is not None: scl.seed.to_scadnano(des, scl.seed_position[0], scl.seed_position[1]) return des
[docs]class AbstractLatticeSupportingScadnano(AbstractLattice): @abstractmethod
[docs] def to_scadnano_lattice(self) -> ScadnanoLattice: ...
[docs] seed: SeedSupportingScadnano | None = None
[docs] def to_scadnano(self, tileset: "TileSet") -> "scadnano.Design": tileset.tiles.refreshnames() tileset.glues.refreshnames() scl = self.to_scadnano_lattice() max_helix = max(helix for helix, offset in scl.positions) + 4 des = scadnano.Design(helices=[scadnano.Helix() for _ in range(0, max_helix)]) for (helix, offset), tilename in scl.positions.items(): cast(TileSupportingScadnano, tileset.tiles[tilename]).to_scadnano( des, helix, offset ) if scl.seed is not None: scl.seed.to_scadnano(des, scl.seed_position[0], scl.seed_position[1]) return des
[docs]class ScadnanoLattice(LatticeSupportingScadnano):
[docs] positions: dict[tuple[int, int], str] = field(default_factory=lambda: {})
[docs] seed: SeedSupportingScadnano | None = None
[docs] seed_position: tuple[int, int] = (0, 0)
[docs] def __getitem__(self, index: tuple[int, int]) -> str | None: return self.positions[index]
[docs] def __setitem__(self, index: tuple[int, int], v: str): self.positions[cast(tuple[int, int], index)] = cast(str, v)
[docs] def findtile(self, tile: str | Tile) -> list[tuple[int, int]]: if isinstance(tile, Tile): tile = tile.ident() return [k for k, v in self.positions.items() if v == tile]
[docs] def to_scadnano_lattice(self) -> ScadnanoLattice: return self
[docs] def asdict(self) -> dict[str, Any]: raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def fromdict(cls, d: dict[str, Any]): raise NotADirectoryError
[docs]AL = TypeVar("AL", bound="AbstractLattice")
[docs]def _skip_polyT_and_inertname(glue: Glue) -> bool: if "inert" in glue.ident(): return True elif isinstance(glue, SSGlue): if frozenset(glue.sequence.base_str) == frozenset("T"): return True return False
[docs]def sst_10_11_hofromxy( x: int, y: int, start_helix: int, start_o: int, p: Literal[10, 11] = 10 ) -> tuple[int, int]: if p == 10: pn = 0 elif p == 11: pn = 1 else: raise ValueError return (start_helix - y + x, start_o + 21 * (x + y) // 2 + (10 + pn) * (x + y) % 2)
[docs]class SSTLattice(AbstractLatticeSupportingScadnano): # FIXME: seed should be flatish """A lattice of flatish tiles. Position 0,0 is a 10nt-north tile."""
[docs] def to_scadnano_lattice(self) -> ScadnanoLattice: sclat = ScadnanoLattice() for ix, t in np.ndenumerate(self.grid): if not t: continue scpos = sst_10_11_hofromxy(ix[0], ix[1], self.grid.shape[1], 0) sclat[scpos] = t if ( self.seed is not None and hasattr(self.seed, "to_scadnano") and hasattr(self.seed, "ho_from_seed_offset") ): sclat.seed = self.seed sclat.seed_position = self.seed.ho_from_seed_offset( self.seed_offset, self.grid.shape[1] ) return sclat
[docs]class LatticeFactory:
[docs] types: dict[str, Type[Lattice]]
def __init__(self): self.types = {}
[docs] def register(self, c: Type[Lattice], n: Optional[str] = None): self.types[n if n is not None else c.__name__] = c
[docs] def from_dict(self, d: dict[str, Any]) -> Lattice: if "type" in d: c = self.types[d["type"]] return c.fromdict({k: v for k, v in d.items() if k != "type"}) else: raise ValueError
[docs]lattice_factory = LatticeFactory()
lattice_factory.register(AbstractLattice) lattice_factory.register(ScadnanoLattice) lattice_factory.register(SSTLattice)