Source code for alhambra.fastreduce

import logging
from collections import namedtuple
from copy import copy
from random import shuffle

import numpy as np

from . import fastlatticedefect as fld
from . import util
from .glues import Glue
from .tiles import TileList

[docs]FTile = namedtuple( "FTile", ("color", "use", "glues", "name", "used", "structure", "dfake", "sfake") )
[docs]FTilesArray = namedtuple( "FTilesArray", ("color", "use", "glues", "name", "used", "structure", "dfake", "sfake"), )
[docs]TAU = 2
# Use is now going to have 4 possible values: Null, Input, Output, Both, Permanent
[docs]uN = 0
[docs]uI = 1
[docs]uO = 2
[docs]uB = 3
[docs]uP = 4
# null, input, output, both, permanent
[docs]class FGlueList: def __init__(self, glues): = [] self.strength = [] self.structure = [] self.complement = [] self.use = [] self.tonum = {} for i, g in enumerate(glues): + "/") self.complement.append(2 * i + 1) self.complement.append(2 * i) self.structure.append(type(g)) self.structure.append(type(g)) self.tonum.update({ 2 * i, + "/": 2 * i + 1}) self.strength.append( g.abstractstrength if g.abstractstrength is not None else 1 ) self.strength.append( g.abstractstrength if g.abstractstrength is not None else 1 ) self.use.append(g.use) self.use.append((g.use // 2) + (g.use % 2) * 2) = np.array( self.strength = np.array(self.strength) self.structure = np.array(self.structure) self.complement = np.array(self.complement) self.use = np.array(self.use)
[docs] def blankequiv(self): return np.arange(0, len(
[docs] def iseq(self, equiv, a, b): return equiv[a] == equiv[b]
[docs] def domerge(self, equiv, a, b, preserveuse=False): if self.structure[a] != self.structure[b]: raise ValueError("structure") elif self.strength[a] != self.strength[b]: raise ValueError("strength") elif equiv[a] == equiv[self.complement[b]]: raise ValueError("self-comp") elif preserveuse and (self.use[a] != self.use[b]): raise ValueError("use") else: equiv = copy(equiv) newg, oldg = sorted((equiv[a], equiv[b])) newc, oldc = sorted((equiv[self.complement[a]], equiv[self.complement[b]])) equiv[equiv == oldg] = newg equiv[equiv == oldc] = newc return equiv
[docs]U_UNUSED = -1
[docs]U_INPUT = 1
[docs]U_OUTPUT = 0
[docs]class FTileList: def __init__(self, tiles, gluelist): self.tiles = [] self.totile = {} for t in tiles: glues = np.array([gluelist.tonum[x] for x in t.ends]) if "fake" in t.keys(): continue if "input" not in t.keys(): used = False use = np.array([U_UNUSED for _ in t.ends]) else: used = True use = np.array([int(x) for x in t["input"]]) color = "label" in t.keys() self.tiles.append( FTile(, color=color, use=use, glues=glues, used=used, structure=t.structure, dfake=0, sfake=0, ) ) assert not in self.totile.keys() self.totile[] = self.tiles[-1] stiles = [] htiles = [] vtiles = [] for t in self.tiles: if isinstance(t.structure, tilestructures.tile_daoe_single): stiles.append(t) elif isinstance(t.structure, tilestructures.tile_daoe_doublehoriz): stiles += _ffakesingle(t, gluelist) htiles.append(t) elif isinstance(t.structure, tilestructures.tile_daoe_doublevert): stiles += _ffakesingle(t, gluelist) vtiles.append(t) else: raise NotImplementedError self.stiles = _ft_to_fta(stiles) for i in range(0, len(self.stiles)): x, y = _ffakedouble_n(i, self.stiles, gluelist) htiles += x vtiles += y self.htiles = _ft_to_fta(htiles) self.vtiles = _ft_to_fta(vtiles)
[docs]RSEL = (2, 3, 0, 1)
[docs]FTI = (1, 0, 1, 0)
# FTS = ( # tilestructures.tile_doublevert(), # tilestructures.tile_doublehoriz(), # tilestructures.tile_doublevert(), # tilestructures.tile_doublehoriz(), # )
[docs]def _fdg(dir, gs1, gs2): if dir == 0: return [gs2[0], gs2[1], gs1[1], gs1[2], gs1[3], gs2[3]] elif dir == 1: return [gs1[0], gs2[0], gs2[1], gs2[2], gs1[2], gs1[3]] elif dir == 2: return [gs1[0], gs1[1], gs2[1], gs2[2], gs2[3], gs1[3]] elif dir == 3: return [gs2[0], gs1[0], gs1[1], gs1[2], gs2[2], gs2[3]] else: raise ValueError(dir)
[docs]def _ffakedouble_n(tn, sta, gluelist, outputonly=True, dir4=False, equiv=None): if equiv is None: equiv = gluelist.blankequiv() if not dir4: faketiles = ([], []) fti = FTI else: faketiles = ([], [], [], []) fti = (0, 1, 2, 3) if sta.sfake[tn]: ddir = np.flatnonzero(gluelist.tonum["fakedouble"] == sta.glues[tn])[0] for dir in range(0, 4): if (sta.use[tn, dir] == 1) and outputonly: continue if outputonly: oti = np.nonzero( ( equiv[gluelist.complement[sta.glues[tn, dir]]] == equiv[sta.glues[:, RSEL[dir]]] ) & (sta.use[:, RSEL[dir]] == 1) & (sta.used) ) else: oti = np.nonzero( ( equiv[gluelist.complement[sta.glues[tn, dir]]] == equiv[sta.glues[:, RSEL[dir]]] ) ) for i in oti[0]: faketiles[fti[dir]].append( FTile( color=False, used=True,[tn] + "_{}_".format(dir) +[i], structure=FTS[dir], glues=np.array(_fdg(dir, sta.glues[tn, :], sta.glues[i])), use=np.array(_fdg(dir, sta.use[tn, :], sta.use[i])), dfake=dir + 1, sfake=(sta.sfake[tn] or sta.sfake[i]), ) ) if sta.sfake[tn] and (dir == ddir): faketiles[fti[dir]].append( FTile( color=False, used=True,[tn] + "_{}_".format(dir) +[tn + sta.sfake[tn]], structure=FTS[dir], glues=np.array( _fdg(dir, sta.glues[tn, :], sta.glues[tn + sta.sfake[tn]]) ), use=np.array( _fdg(dir, sta.use[tn, :], sta.use[tn + sta.sfake[tn]]) ), dfake=dir + 1, sfake=True, ) ) return faketiles
# THESE SELECTORS ARE 1-INDEXED!!! 0 corresponds to fake double tile bond.
[docs]HSEL = ((1, 0, 5, 6), (2, 3, 4, 0))
[docs]VSEL = ((1, 2, 0, 6), (0, 3, 4, 5))
[docs]def _ffakesingle(ftile, gluelist): # FIXME: should be more generalized. Currently only tau=2 if isinstance(ftile.structure, tilestructures.tile_daoe_doublehoriz): sel = HSEL elif isinstance(ftile.structure, tilestructures.tile_daoe_doublevert): sel = VSEL else: raise NotImplementedError # Start by making the tiles, then change around the inputs fdb = gluelist.tonum["fakedouble"] glues = [[([fdb] + list(ftile.glues))[x] for x in y] for y in sel] fuse = [[([-1] + list(ftile.use))[x] for x in y] for y in sel] use = [] used = [] names = [ + "_fakedouble_a", + "_fakedouble_b"] for gu in zip(glues, fuse): if sum(gluelist.strength[g] for g, u in zip(*gu) if u == 1) >= TAU: use.append(gu[1]) used.append(True) else: use.append([-1, -1, -1, -1]) used.append(False) return [ FTile( color=ftile.color, use=u, glues=g, name=n, used=ud, structure=tilestructures.tile_daoe_single(), dfake=0, sfake=sfo, ) for u, g, n, ud, sfo in zip(use, glues, names, used, [1, -1]) ]
[docs]def _ft_to_fta(ftiles): return FTilesArray( color=np.array([x.color for x in ftiles]), name=np.array([ for x in ftiles]), glues=np.array([x.glues for x in ftiles]), use=np.array([x.use for x in ftiles]), used=np.array([x.used for x in ftiles]), structure=np.array([ for x in ftiles]), dfake=np.array([x.dfake for x in ftiles]), sfake=np.array([x.sfake for x in ftiles]), )
[docs]class _FastTileSet: def __init__(self, tilesystem): self.gluelist = FGlueList( tilesystem.allglues # + [ # Glue({"name": "hp", "type": "hairpin", "strength": 0}), # Glue({"name": "fakedouble", "type": "fakedouble", "strength": 0}), # ] ) self.tilelist = FTileList( tilesystem.tiles # + sum([x.named_rotations() for x in tilesystem.tiles], TileList()), # FIXME , self.gluelist, )
[docs] def applyequiv(self, ts, equiv): ts = ts.copy() alreadythere = [] for tile in ts.tiles: tile.ends = [[equiv[self.gluelist.tonum[e]]] for e in tile.ends ] if (tile.ends, "label" in tile.keys()) in alreadythere: tile["fake"] = True continue rs = [tile] + tile.rotations alreadythere.extend((t.ends, "label" in t.keys()) for t in rs) if "seed" in ts.keys(): for t in ts.seed["adapters"]: if "ends" in t.keys(): t["ends"] = [[equiv[self.gluelist.tonum[e]]] for e in t["ends"] ] ts["info"] = ts.get("info", dict()) ts["info"]["fgluemerge"] = ts["info"].get("fgluemerge", list()) ts["info"]["fgluemerge"].append([int(x) for x in equiv]) return ts
[docs] def togluemergespec(self, ts, equiv): gms = util.GlueMergeSpec() for i in range(0, len(equiv)): if i != equiv[i]: gms.add([equiv[i]],[i]) return gms
[docs]def ptins(fts, equiv=None, tau=2): """Calculate potential tile attachments to input neighborhoods""" ptins = [] if equiv is None: equiv = fts.gluelist.blankequiv() for ta in [fts.tilelist.stiles, fts.tilelist.htiles, fts.tilelist.vtiles]: ptin = [] for ti in np.arange(0, len(ta.used))[ta.used]: # Only iterate through used tiles isel = ta.use[ti] == 1 # used edges gsel = equiv[ta.glues[ti, isel]] == equiv[ta.glues[:, isel]] # matching glues strs = np.sum( fts.gluelist.strength[ta.glues[ti, isel]] * gsel, axis=1 ) # strengths of matching matches = np.nonzero((strs >= tau) & (ta.dfake == 0)) # indices of matching # (excludes fake doubles, which can't actually attach # (because they are # actually two singles) to their own local neighborhoods) ptin.append(matches) ptins.append(ptin) return ptins
[docs]def is_2go_single_nn( fts, tn, un, equiv, tau=2, in2go=None, retall=False, also22go=False ): # Before starting, check to see if t and u are actually the same: if np.all( equiv[fts.tilelist.stiles.glues[fts.tilelist.stiles.used][tn]] == equiv[fts.tilelist.stiles.glues[un]] ): if not also22go: if not retall: return False else: return False, None else: if not retall: return False, False else: return False, False, None, None if in2go is None: in2go = _ffakedouble_n( np.flatnonzero(fts.tilelist.stiles.used)[tn], fts.tilelist.stiles, fts.gluelist, outputonly=True, dir4=True, ) incorrect = _ffakedouble_n( un, fts.tilelist.stiles, fts.gluelist, outputonly=False, dir4=True, equiv=equiv ) is2go = None for tvs, uws in zip(in2go, incorrect): for tv in tvs: for uw in uws: if ( np.sum( fts.gluelist.strength[ tv.glues[ (equiv[tv.glues] == equiv[uw.glues]) & (tv.use == 1) ] ] ) >= tau ): if also22go and uw.sfake: if not retall: return True, True else: return True, True, (ts, uw), None elif also22go: is2go = (tv, uw) for dirr, (tvs2, uws2) in enumerate(zip(in2go, incorrect)): if dirr + 1 == tv.dfake: continue for tv2 in tvs2: for uw2 in uws2: if ( np.sum( fts.gluelist.strength[ tv2.glues[ ( equiv[tv2.glues] == equiv[uw2.glues] ) & (tv2.use == 1) ] ] ) >= tau ): if not retall: return True, True else: return True, True, (tv, uw), (tv2, uw2) elif not retall: return True else: return True, (tv, uw) if also22go: if retall: return (not (is2go is None)), False, is2go, None else: return (not (is2go is None)), False elif not retall: return False else: return False, None
[docs]def gen_2go_single_ins(fts, tau=2): ssel = np.flatnonzero(fts.tilelist.stiles.used) ins = [] for tn in ssel: ins.append( _ffakedouble_n( tn, fts.tilelist.stiles, fts.gluelist, outputonly=True, dir4=True ) ) return ins
[docs]def gen_2go_profile(fts, equiv=None, ins2go=None, also22go=False): if ins2go is None: ins2go = gen_2go_single_ins(fts, tau=2) if equiv is None: equiv = fts.gluelist.blankequiv() sens1s = ptins(fts, tau=1, equiv=equiv)[0] sens2s = [] sens22s = [] for tn, (uns, in2go) in enumerate(zip(sens1s, ins2go)): x2 = [] x22 = [] for un in uns[0]: if also22go: s2, s22 = is_2go_single_nn( fts, tn, un, equiv, tau=2, in2go=in2go, also22go=True ) else: s2 = is_2go_single_nn( fts, tn, un, equiv, tau=2, in2go=in2go, also22go=False ) if s2: x2.append(un) if also22go and s22: x22.append(un) sens2s.append(x2) if also22go: sens22s.append(x22) if also22go: return sens2s, sens22s else: return sens2s
[docs]def is_2go_equiv(fts, equiv=None, ins2go=None, origsens=None): if ins2go is None: ins2go = gen_2go_single_ins(fts, tau=2) if equiv is None: equiv = fts.gluelist.blankequiv() if origsens is None: origsens = gen_2go_profile(fts) sens1s = ptins(fts, tau=1, equiv=equiv)[0] for tn, (uns, in2go, os) in enumerate(zip(sens1s, ins2go, origsens)): for un in uns[0]: r, p = is_2go_single_nn(fts, tn, un, equiv, tau=2, in2go=in2go, retall=True) if r and (un not in os): # Next if checks to see if sensitive tile is actually identical # to an already sensitive tile: # FIXME: this would not be necessary if we stored whether a # tile was a duplicate. However, that would break the # glue-equiv-only method... if not np.any( np.all( equiv[fts.tilelist.stiles.glues[os]] == equiv[fts.tilelist.stiles.glues[un]], axis=1, ) ): return ( False, ([fts.tilelist.stiles.used][tn],[un], ), p, ) return True, None, None
[docs]def is_22go_equiv(fts, equiv=None, ins2go=None, orig22go=None): if ins2go is None: ins2go = gen_2go_single_ins(fts, tau=2) if equiv is None: equiv = fts.gluelist.blankequiv() if orig22go is None: _, orig22go = gen_2go_profile(fts, also22go=True) sens1s = ptins(fts, tau=1, equiv=equiv)[0] for tn, (uns, in2go, os22) in enumerate(zip(sens1s, ins2go, orig22go)): for un in uns[0]: r2, r22, p2, p22 = is_2go_single_nn( fts, tn, un, equiv, tau=2, in2go=in2go, also22go=True, retall=True ) if r22 and (un not in os22): # Next if checks to see if sensitive tile is actually identical # to an already sensitive tile: # FIXME: this would not be necessary if we stored whether a # tile was a duplicate. However, that would break the # glue-equiv-only method... if not np.any( np.all( equiv[fts.tilelist.stiles.glues[os22]] == equiv[fts.tilelist.stiles.glues[un]], axis=1, ) ): return ( False, ([fts.tilelist.stiles.used][tn],[un], ), p22, ) return True, None, None
[docs]def fta_to_ft(stiles, un, sel=None): if sel is None: sel = np.ones_like(stiles.used, dtype=bool) return FTile( color=stiles.color[sel][un], use=stiles.use[sel, :][un, :], glues=stiles.glues[sel, :][un, :],[sel][un], used=stiles.used[sel][un], structure=stiles.structure[sel][un], dfake=stiles.dfake[sel][un], sfake=stiles.sfake[sel][un], )
[docs]def isatamequiv(fts, equiv, initptins=None): if initptins is None: initptins = ptins(fts, fts.gluelist.blankequiv()) npt = ptins(fts, equiv) for x, y, tl in zip( initptins, npt, [fts.tilelist.stiles, fts.tilelist.htiles, fts.tilelist.vtiles] ): for xx, yy in zip(x, y): if len(xx[0]) == len(yy[0]) and (np.all(xx[0] == yy[0])): # No change continue elif len(xx[0]) == 1: # Deterministic start mm = ~np.all((equiv[tl.glues[xx]] == equiv[tl.glues[yy]]), axis=1) | ~( tl.color[xx] == tl.color[yy] ) if np.any(mm): return False, ([xx[0][0]],[yy[0][mm][0]]) elif len(xx[0]) == 0: return False, None else: raise NotImplementedError(xx) return True, None
[docs]def tilemerge(fts, equiv, t1, t2, preserveuse=False): if != raise ValueError if t1.color != t2.color: raise ValueError for g1, g2 in zip(t1.glues, t2.glues): equiv = fts.gluelist.domerge(equiv, g1, g2, preserveuse=preserveuse) return equiv
[docs]def _findpotentialtilemerges(fts, equiv): ppairs = [] for ti in range(0, len(fts.tilelist.tiles)): t1 = fts.tilelist.tiles[ti] if not t1.used: continue ppairs.extend( (t1, t) for t in fts.tilelist.tiles[ti:] if (t1.color == t.color) and ( == and ( != ) shuffle(ppairs) return ppairs
[docs]def _findpotentialgluemerges(fts, equiv): ppairs = [] for g1 in np.arange(0, len(fts.gluelist.strength)): g2s = ( g1 + 1 + np.nonzero( (fts.gluelist.strength[g1 + 1 :] == fts.gluelist.strength[g1]) & (fts.gluelist.structure[g1 + 1 :] == fts.gluelist.structure[g1]) )[0] ) ppairs.extend((g1, g2) for g2 in g2s) shuffle(ppairs) return ppairs
[docs]def _recfix( fts, equiv, tp, initptins, check2go=False, ins2go=None, orig2go=None, orig22go=None, check22go=False, checkld=False, chain=None, preserveuse=False, ): log = logging.getLogger(__name__) if chain is None: chain = [] equiv = tilemerge( fts, equiv, fts.tilelist.totile[tp[0]], fts.tilelist.totile[tp[1]], preserveuse=preserveuse, ) ae, badpair = isatamequiv(fts, equiv, initptins=initptins) if check2go and ae: ae, badpair, _ = is_2go_equiv(fts, equiv, ins2go=ins2go, origsens=orig2go) if ae and check22go: ae, badpair, _ = is_22go_equiv(fts, equiv, ins2go=ins2go, orig22go=orig22go) if ae and checkld: ld_e = fld.latticedefects(fts, "e", equiv=equiv) ld_w = fld.latticedefects(fts, "w", equiv=equiv) if (len(ld_e) > 0) or (len(ld_w) > 0): raise ValueError if ae: log.debug("Recfix succeeds with {}, {}, {}".format(tp[0], tp[1], chain)) return equiv elif badpair is None: raise ValueError else: chain.append(tp) return _recfix( fts, equiv, badpair, initptins, check2go, ins2go, orig2go, orig22go=orig22go, check22go=check22go, checkld=checkld, chain=chain, preserveuse=preserveuse, )
[docs]def _tilereduce( fts, equiv=None, check2go=False, initptins=None, check22go=False, checkld=False, preserveuse=False, ): log = logging.getLogger(__name__) if equiv is None: equiv = fts.gluelist.blankequiv() todo = _findpotentialtilemerges(fts, equiv) if initptins is None: initptins = ptins(fts) if check2go or check22go: ins2go = gen_2go_single_ins(fts) origsens, orig22go = gen_2go_profile(fts, ins2go=ins2go, also22go=True) else: ins2go = None orig22go = None origsens = None for todoi, (t1, t2) in enumerate(todo): try: nequiv = tilemerge(fts, equiv, t1, t2, preserveuse=preserveuse) except ValueError: continue ae, badpair = isatamequiv(fts, nequiv, initptins=initptins) if ae and check2go: ae, badpair, _ = is_2go_equiv(fts, nequiv, ins2go=ins2go, origsens=origsens) if ae and check22go: ae, badpair, _ = is_22go_equiv( fts, nequiv, ins2go=ins2go, orig22go=orig22go ) if ae and checkld: ld_e = fld.latticedefects(fts, "e", equiv=nequiv) ld_w = fld.latticedefects(fts, "w", equiv=nequiv) if (len(ld_e) > 0) or (len(ld_w) > 0): continue if ae: equiv = nequiv log.debug( "Reduced {}, {} ({} of {} pairs done)".format(,, todoi, len(todo) ) ) elif badpair is None: continue else: try: equiv = _recfix( fts, equiv, badpair, initptins, check2go, ins2go, origsens, check22go=check22go, orig22go=orig22go, checkld=checkld, chain=[(,], preserveuse=preserveuse, ) except ValueError: continue except KeyError: continue return equiv
[docs]def _gluereduce( fts, equiv=None, check2go=False, check22go=False, checkld=False, initptins=None, preserveuse=False, ): log = logging.getLogger(__name__) if equiv is None: equiv = fts.gluelist.blankequiv() todo = _findpotentialgluemerges(fts, equiv) if initptins is None: initptins = ptins(fts) if check2go or check22go: ins2go = gen_2go_single_ins(fts) origsens, orig22go = gen_2go_profile(fts, ins2go=ins2go, also22go=True) else: ins2go = None origsens = None orig22go = None for todoi, (g1, g2) in enumerate(todo): try: nequiv = fts.gluelist.domerge(equiv, g1, g2, preserveuse=preserveuse) except ValueError: continue ae, badpair = isatamequiv(fts, nequiv, initptins=initptins) if ae and check2go: ae, badpair, _ = is_2go_equiv(fts, nequiv, ins2go=ins2go, origsens=origsens) if ae and check22go: ae, badpair, _ = is_22go_equiv( fts, nequiv, ins2go=ins2go, orig22go=orig22go ) if ae and checkld: ld_e = fld.latticedefects(fts, "e", equiv=nequiv) ld_w = fld.latticedefects(fts, "w", equiv=nequiv) if (len(ld_e) > 0) or (len(ld_w) > 0): continue if ae: equiv = nequiv log.debug( "Glue reduction: {}, {} ({}/{} done)".format([g1],[g2], todoi, len(todo) ) ) elif badpair is None: continue else: try: equiv = _recfix( fts, equiv, badpair, initptins, check2go, ins2go, origsens, check22go=check22go, checkld=checkld, chain=[([g1],[g2])], preserveuse=preserveuse, ) except ValueError: continue except KeyError: continue return equiv
[docs]def _single_reduce_tiles(p): feq, ts, fts, params = p # starttime = time.time() initptins = ptins(fts) e = _tilereduce(fts, equiv=feq, initptins=initptins, **params) # endtime = time.time() # te = fts.applyequiv(ts, e) # nt = len([y for y in te.tiles if 'fake' not in y.keys()]) # ng = len(te.allends) # a = isatamequiv(fts, e) # g2 = is_2go_equiv(fts, e)[0] # g22 = is_22go_equiv(fts, e)[0] # lde = len(fld.latticedefects(fts, equiv=e, direction='e')) == 0 # ldw = len(fld.latticedefects(fts, equiv=e, direction='w')) == 0 # print('TR: Found {}t, {}g: aTAM {} 2GO {} 22GO {} LD {}/{} in {}s'.format( # nt, ng, a, g2, g22, lde, ldw, endtime - starttime)) # te.to_file(nb + 'step1-{}t{}g.yaml'.format(nt, ng)) return e
[docs]def _single_reduce_ends(p): equiv, ts, fts, params = p # starttime = time.time() initptins = ptins(fts) e = _gluereduce(fts, equiv=equiv, initptins=initptins, **params) # FIXME: all this is code for checking things and printing logs. # endtime = time.time() # te = fts.applyequiv(ts, e) # nt = len([y for y in te.tiles if 'fake' not in y.keys()]) # ng = len(te.allends) # a = isatamequiv(fts, e) # g2 = is_2go_equiv(fts, e)[0] # g22 = is_22go_equiv(fts, e)[0] # lde = len(fld.latticedefects(fts, equiv=e, direction='e')) == 0 # ldw = len(fld.latticedefects(fts, equiv=e, direction='w')) == 0 # print('ER: Found {}t, {}g: aTAM {} 2GO {} 22GO {} LD {}/{} in {}s'.format( # nt, ng, a, g2, g22, lde, ldw, endtime - starttime)) # te.to_file(nb + '-step2-{}t{}g.yaml'.format(nt, ng)) return e
[docs]def reduce_tiles( tileset, preserve=("s22", "ld"), tries=10, threads=1, returntype="equiv", best=1, key=None, initequiv=None, ): """ Apply tile reduction algorithm, preserving some set of properties, and using a multiprocessing pool. Parameters ---------- tileset: TileSet The system to reduce. preserve: a tuple or list of strings, optional The properties to preserve. Currently supported are 's1' for first order sensitivity, 's2' for second order sensitivity, 's22' for two-by-two sensitivity, 'ld' for small lattice defects, and 'gs' for glue sense (to avoid spurious hierarchical attachment). Default is currently ('s22', 'ld'). tries: int, optional The number of times to run the algorithm. threads: int, optional The number of threads to use (using multiprocessing). returntype: 'TileSet' or 'equiv' (default 'equiv') The type of object to return. If 'equiv', returns an array of glue equivalences (or list, if best != 1) that can be applied to the tileset with apply_equiv, or used for further reduction. If 'TileSet', return a TileSet with the equiv already applied (or a list, if best != 1). best: int or None, optional The number of systems to return. If 1, the result will be returned directly; if k > 1, a list will be returned of the best k results (per cmp); if k = None, a list of *all* results will be returned, sorted by cmp. (default 1) key: function (ts, equiv1, equiv2) -> some number/comparable A comparison function for equivs, to sort the results. FIXME: documentation needed. Default (if None) here is to sort by number of glues in the system, regardless of number of tiles. initequiv: equiv If provided, the equivalence array to start from. If None, start from the tileset without any merged glues. Returns ------- reduced: single TileSet The reduced system/systems """ fts = _FastTileSet(tileset) if key is None: key = lambda x: len( np.unique(x) ) # number of unique numbers in equiv, equivalent # to number of glues in reduced system. FIXME? # FIXME: could do a better job here params = { "check2go": "s2" in preserve, "check22go": "s22" in preserve, "checkld": "ld" in preserve, "preserveuse": "gs" in preserve, } if initequiv is None: initequiv = fts.gluelist.blankequiv() if threads > 1: from multiprocessing import Pool with Pool(threads) as pool: equivs = _single_reduce_tiles, [[initequiv, tileset, fts, params]] * tries ) else: equivs = [ _single_reduce_tiles(x) for x in ([[initequiv, tileset, fts, params]] * tries) ] equivs.sort(key=key) if returntype == "TileSet": equivs = [tileset.apply_equiv(equiv) for equiv in equivs] if best == 1: return equivs[0] else: return equivs[0:best]
[docs]def reduce_ends( tileset, preserve=("s22", "ld"), tries=10, threads=1, returntype="equiv", best=1, key=None, initequiv=None, ): """ Apply end reduction algorithm, preserving some set of properties, and using a multiprocessing pool. Parameters ---------- tileset: TileSet The system to reduce. preserve: a tuple or list of strings, optional The properties to preserve. Currently supported are 's1' for first order sensitivity, 's2' for second order sensitivity, 's22' for two-by-two sensitivity, 'ld' for small lattice defects, and 'gs' for glue sense (to avoid spurious hierarchical attachment). Default is currently ('s22', 'ld'). tries: int, optional The number of times to run the algorithm. threads: int, optional The number of threads to use (using multiprocessing). returntype: 'TileSet' or 'equiv' (default 'equiv') The type of object to return. If 'equiv', returns an array of glue equivalences (or list, if best != 1) that can be applied to the tileset with apply_equiv, or used for further reduction. If 'TileSet', return a TileSet with the equiv already applied (or a list, if best != 1). best: int or None, optional The number of systems to return. If 1, the result will be returned directly; if k > 1, a list will be returned of the best k results (per cmp); if k = None, a list of *all* results will be returned, sorted by cmp. (default 1) key: function (ts, equiv1, equiv2) -> some number/comparable A comparison function for equivs, to sort the results. FIXME: documentation needed. Default (if None) here is to sort by number of glues in the system, regardless of number of tiles. initequiv: equiv If provided, the equivalence array to start from. If None, start from the tileset without any merged glues. Returns ------- reduced: single TileSet The reduced system/systems """ fts = _FastTileSet(tileset) if key is None: key = lambda x: len( np.unique(x) ) # number of unique numbers in equiv, equivalent # to number of glues in reduced system. FIXME? # FIXME: could do a better job here params = { "check2go": "s2" in preserve, "check22go": "s22" in preserve, "checkld": "ld" in preserve, "preserveuse": "gs" in preserve, } if initequiv is None: initequiv = fts.gluelist.blankequiv() if threads > 1: from multiprocessing import Pool with Pool(threads) as pool: equivs = _single_reduce_ends, [[initequiv, tileset, fts, params]] * tries ) else: equivs = [ _single_reduce_ends(x) for x in ([[initequiv, tileset, fts, params]] * tries) ] equivs.sort(key=key) if returntype == "TileSet": equivs = [tileset.apply_equiv(equiv) for equiv in equivs] if best == 1: return equivs[0] else: return equivs[0:best]